It's a slippery slope, one Apple will hopefully avoid.  If they
continue to add features to label and customize how VO interacts with
the OS and apps they are giving themselves more work, as well as
risking the awesome independence VO gives us. JFW practically
dominates the keyboard, making interacting with things like web apps
potentially less pleasant while VO uses specialized keys to perform
all of it's functions. VO Commander sounds like a clone of what spark
can do for us. Nice feature, but hopefully they don't make it too hard
to interact with applications in a standard way.  Labeling could
result in more work for us, but if they stop there it's probably OK.
On 6/10/09, Scott Howell <> wrote:
> I think you are wrong about this. It is yet one more tool, not some
> scripting ability or a way to shrug off responsibility for
> accessibility. What gave you the idea that this was some way to avoid
> the issue of accessibility?
> On Jun 9, 2009, at 11:45 PM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Did you guys see the feature to add descriptions to elements. It
>> sounds a lot like FS's JAWS Scripts, don't you think.
>> I think we should bprevent this from happening before it gets out of
>> hand. Too many developers will take that as the easy way out.
>> Regards,
>> Alex,
>> >
> >

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