I'm sorry to rain on your parade, (I'm known for doing that):-) but  
why reinvent the wheel? There is a device for that other operating  
system that is little known, called GWP, which is used to convey  
graphical info to us. The display is bigger than the Optacon one which  
in my opinion is better, because that smallish display plus the fact  
that the pins were vibrating all the time made me tired, very tired. I  
think, but am not sure that it's Handitech that makes this Gwp. If one  
could make drivers and/or software for the Mac, i think we have what  
you're looking for.

9 jun 2009 kl. 05.29 skrev Tiffany D:

> This is very interesting.
> From
> http://www2.edc.org/ncip/LIBRARY/vi/combo.htm
> "inTOUCH (TeleSensory, Inc.)
> For Macintosh. A software that works with the Optacon II to provide
> tactile access and large print access to the Macintosh computer. As
> the mouse is moved, inTOUCH shows the area of the screen around the
> cursor on the Optacon display. Features are set from the keyboard.
> Other features include: a camera mode that allows the user to switch
> from the camera to the computer; a command that stretches the image to
> increase legibility; a screen position command that raises a couple of
> pins on the Optacon to indicate position of the cursor on the screen.
> Price: $400."
> I never knew that they upgraded the Opticon so that itcould be used
> with a computer, let alone theMacintosh!  Just imagine what would
> happen if we could make a modern version and use it with Leopard and
> Voiceover.  So would this show you the screen tactually or just
> indicate a position on the screen?  This is actually very important,
> cause a friend of mine and I are interested in creating something
> similar.  Thing is, he's a programmer and not an engineer and we're
> both low on cash.  I'm thinking of writing a petition to send to
> TeleSensory and maybe even Apple etc about creating a modern version
> of the Opticon.  I think that with advances like the IPhone and other
> software, the time is right for such a thing.  Granted, things like
> the KNFB Reader are amazing and have their place.  But they can't
> convey visual information to us in the same manner that feeling images
> on a display can.  The remaining opticons aren't getting any newer.
> Most of us won't ever get to see with our hands like that unless steps
> are taken to insure that technology such as this is brought into the
> 21st century.  How many of you, especially students, educators and
> those working in relatively graphical environments, would be willing
> to sign such a petition?  If there are enough, I'll create a separate
> group, comprised of us and other blind and interested parties so we
> can getthis thing rolling.  In the meantime, I'll try and track down
> the Opticons' creator or his daughter.  Perhaps, they can help.
> All the best,
> Eleni
> >

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