
Thanks for this link.


On 5-Jun-09, at 2:10 PM, Esther wrote:

> Hi all,
> Alex Jurgensen wrote:
>> A modivational speech by Steeve Jobs.
>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UF8uR6Z6KLc
> Anyone who wants to get a copy of this 2005 Stanford commencement
> speech by Steve Jobs as a downloadable audio or video podcast can do
> so from the iTunes Store:
> http://deimos3.apple.com/WebObjects/Core.woa/Browse/itunes.stanford.edu.1292846299?i=1411599120
> Activate this link (or copy it with Command-C, then open Safari,
> navigate to the address field with Command-L, paste in the URL with
> Command-V, and press return).
> iTunes will set to the iTunes Store in the sources table and the
> speech will be selected in the songs table.  Just use VO-Shift-M and
> select the "Buy or get currently selected songs table items".  The
> audio file is 7.3 MB, and will use less bandwidth than playing a
> YouTube streaming video file.  If you want the video podcast, it is
> 48.5 MB at the URL:
> http://deimos3.apple.com/WebObjects/Core.woa/Browse/itunes.stanford.edu.1292047512?i=1314990017
> To find the podcasts I used the iTunes Store search (VO-M to menu bar,
> press "s" for the store menu, arrow down to select "Search".)  In the
> HTML area for the iTunes Store power search, I set the first pop up
> button (VO-Space) to "iTunes U".  Then I left the title field blank,
> entered "2005 Commencement" for the description field, put "Stanford"
> as the institution, and pressed carriage return.  Navigate to the
> songs table.  The first two items will be the video and audio versions
> of this podcast.
> Quick note: iTunes U podcasts are free and do not require an iTunes
> account.  However, they download into separate folders for the source
> institution in the sources menu rather than being found under the
> podcast playlist.  You'll need to select the "Stanford" folder in your
> sources list to view the downloaded track(s) in your songs table.
> Cheers,
> Esther
> P.S. The video podcasts from iTunes U are also generally formatted so
> they can be downloaded and played on iPods.
> >

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