Hi Kaare,

On May 31, 2009, at 10:42 AM, kaare dehard wrote:

> Hi folks, am looking for a good sound editor that is accessable for
> the mac. Os 10.57 does audacity work well? I tried the beta and it
> seems to have a lot of unknowns. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

You might take a look at Amadeus Pro, which is a multi-track audio  
editor that costs $40 (U.S.) and is available from:


There's a recent podcast tutorial on Amadeus Pro.  I'm pasting in the  
post from Dane, the author of the podcast:

<begin excerpt>

Subject line says it all, the first Podcast of my amadeus Pro tutorial  
is now available, I'm uploading it to Blind Cool Tech so I'm not sure  
when it will be available there so in the meantime its on "My  
Sendspace" at  http://www.sendspace.com/pro/g8uuzd so have a listen.   
As per usual any comments and feedback is very much appreciated and  
I'd like to personally thank those of you who've worked with this  
software - putting in bug reports and sending suggestions to the  
author/developer - which have made this software usable and accessible.

Amadeus Pro is a multi track Audio editor/recorder for the Apple Mac  
with many additional features to enhance the application.  The  
software has many keyboard shortcuts and an extensive menu system to  
boot and is very much accessible with Voiceover, the Screen Reader  
built-in to the Mac Leopard operating system.
<end excerpt>

Audacity is free, and I think that Cara Quinn uses it, so you may get  
some suggestions or tips from her.  Also, there have been a lot of  
small recent accessibility improvements made to Amadeus Pro, so make  
sure you check a recent version.



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