
Someone on another list responded to my post about the MacUpdate  
software Bundle promo with this information:

Another promo:

At http://www.panic.com

You can get transmit (an ftp client) or Unison (for usenet) for half
off. That's really cheap.

The poster didn't give the information, but this is a 3-day sale of  
all of Panic Software's products at half price.  It runs from May 27  
through May 29, 2009, Pacific Daylight Time (i.e. West Coast of USA,  
up through 1 minute before midnight on May 29 in that time zone).   
$14.50 for Transmit 3 is very cheap. (This is one of the software  
applications that Gordon mentioned in response to Paul's query.)  I  
don't think I've seen this low a price before for the Panic Software.   
These deals are really unusual; it must be in response to Apple's  
upcoming Worldwide Developer's Conference at the beginning of June.





On May 28, 2009, at 12:16 PM, Esther wrote:

> Hello all,
> There is a promotional software bundle of 9 apps for $49.95  
> available from MacUpdate. T

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