This sounded like a great idea, unfortunately it didn't work.  Thank  


On May 26, 2009, at 12:57 PM, Dan Eickmeier wrote:

> Hi Bret, here's something you can try.  Go into the develop menu, and
> change the user agent tosomething like  Internet explorer.  If you
> don't see the develop menu,it can be enabled  under the advanced
> section of Safari's  preferences.  This should hopefully do the trick.
> On May 26, 2009, at 1:43 PM, Brett Campbell wrote:
>> Hello good people,
>> I teach at a community college.  I communicate with my students
>> through an internet platform from Sunguard higher education called
>> mypage, which includes mymail.  I use the mymail to email my
>> students.  I'm having a problem that seems strange to me when I try  
>> to
>> send messages on my Mac.  I am able to get to the point where I  
>> select
>> the students to be emailed, and then when I press the button to move
>> on to compose etc. I get the message "access denied".  I performed  
>> the
>> task on a PC with no problem, so the issue isn't my account.  I
>> confirmed the problem on three different Macs. I contacted the
>> school's tech support, and they suggested the problem is with Safari.
>> They recommended I try another browser.  I am  quite new to Mac and
>> VoiceOver, so I'm hoping for thoughts from our Mac community.  If it
>> is Safari, are there any settings I can change?  If I do need to use
>> another browser, is there one that works with our beloved VoiceOver?
>> With the exception of not being able to work proficiently with
>> spreadsheets yet, this is my only obstacle keeping me from being free
>> of PC thus far.  Any comments will be greatly appreciated.
>> Brett
> >

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