Thanks Esther,

 much appreciated. 

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Esther
Sent: Friday, 15 May 2009 6:33 a.m.
Subject: Re: Using a mac

Hi Gene and Simon,

You can also access Mike's podcasts (all but number 7) and the Screenless
Switchers podcasts from the Google Groups page for this list at:
which contains a list of VoiceOver related podcasts with download links.
This is a handy place to find VoiceOver related podcasts in one place.  I
prefer to go to the Blind Cool Tech feed at:
instead of their main web page to check for recent podcasts, since the web
page will takes some time to load for VoiceOver.  You'll need your Google
Groups login for this list to access the podcasts page.
This is not VoiceOver specific, but there was a recent Blind Cool Tech
podcast by Dane Trethowan on using SuperDuper for backup on the Mac that you
can find, together with Mike's 7th Mac Access podcast, on the Blind Cool
Tech feed:
Super Duper
4/20/2009 Dane Trethowan demonstrates this backup program for the Mac from that compliments Time Machine. Among the flexible
setups, his is set so the Mac can boot from the external backup drive if
necessary. 16.6 MB Here's my listing of the content description of each of
Mike's podcasts, saved from the original feed descriptions:
Mac Accessibility Demo
5/24/2008 Mike overviews the accessibility features in the Mac and
demonstrates web browsing, email, and word processing. 28.6 MB

Mac Accessibility Demo Part 2
6/12/2008 Mike Arrigo continues the tour of the accessibility of the Mac
using the built-in screen reader, Voice Over. Mike demonstrates streaming
audio and using the Voice Over web find feature. 23.9 MB

Mac Demo Part 3
8/12/2008 Mike Arrigo answers questions from the first two episodes in this
series about the Mac and Voice Over, its built in screen reader.  
He explains how to boot from the system DVD, shows a slick technique for
moving through mail messages more quickly, and tours the Voice Over Control
Panel to show the customizations you may make. He also demonstrates using
the web browser on the internet and demonstrates how it works with Ebay.
22.0 MB

Mac Demo 4
12/16/2008 Mike Arrigo continues this series by answering questions, showing
the improved accessibility in iTunes 8, playing a DVD, and using the web
with dynamic web pages. 22.8 MB

Mac Demo 5
1/18/2009 Mike Arrigo continues this series about built-in accessibility on
the Mac by demonstrating running Windows on the Mac.  
He discusses the reasons why you would want to run Windows on a Mac, then
talks about how it works, runs both the Mac operating system and Windows at
the same time, and shows running Window-eyes, System Access, and Kurzweil
1000. 17.8 MB

Mac Demo 6
2/9/2009 Mike Arrigo describes how to walk up to a Mac in the store and get
it talking, so you can try it there. He also demonstrates using Voice Over
on the numeric keypad and shows how to copy files. He copies a book to an SD
card for use on the Victor Reader Stream. 18.1 MB

Mac Demo 7
3/17/2009 Mike Arrigo looks at the software update feature on the mac, goes
through most of the system preferences, and mentions things that blind users
may want to change. He shows how to enable the option so you can see file
extensions, shows how to change what programs are used to open different
types of files, and demonstrates how to install programs on the mac. 24.5 MB



On May 14, 2009, at 8:04 AM, gene richburg wrote:

> Hi Simon, you can alsogo to and find the 7 demos 
> from mike areg!  He's done some pretty good walkthrough tutorals on 
> things like
> setting up mail to looking at differentweb pages with safari pages.   
> He also
> demonstrates ia little of itunes and how to run windows on a mac from 
> within leopard by using vmware fusion and quite a few more things.  
> The ws is loaded with a ton of stuff so go there when you got time to 
> kill Gren!  If enough people want me to I can just put them on my ftp 
> site for easier access.
> Gene
> >

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