Hi Scott,

I think you can get a playlist of songs listed as Madonna's iTunes  
Essentials, but the songs are supposed to be listed in order of  
"importance", which is why there is no simply sort order by album or  
alphabetical list of song names. The "Essentials" are basically  
playlists typically set up by artist, genre, or other listening/ 
activity category. I've never made a purchase of all the songs in an  
iTunes Essentials category.  If I had, I'd probably try checking my  
"Purchased" smart playlist, which is listed in the order that songs  
are downloaded.  I suspect that just starting at the first song in the  
iTunes Essential collection and then arrowing down in order with the  
shift key pressed to select your tracks will work for you.  You could  
use Command-Shift-N to create a new playlist from selection.  I'd  
probably do this by selecting my "Purchased" smart playlist in the  
sources table, tabbing (or using Command-Option-F) to the search text  
field and typing in "Madonna", and then tabbing to the songs table,  
finding the first entry, and holding the shift key down while I ran  
the down arrow through the other entries to select. Then I would use  
VO-F6 to check my selection. There are 75 tracks in the complete  
Madonna Essentials collection. (For new users I'm being a bit sloppy  
about not putting in the "interact" and "stop interacting" with the  
various tables; and if tabbing is not working reliably, just VO-Right  
Arrow or VO-Left Arrow to navigate between the sources table, search  
text field, and the songs table.)

If your "Purchased" smart playlist is large (smile), you can use the  
smart playlist selection to make your playlist. As a reminder, you can  
check the detailed "Introduction to Smart Playlists" post in the list  


Use the keyboard shortcut "Command-Option-N" to create the new smart  
playlist and VO-Right arrow to the rules section, interact, and add  

<Artist> <is> <Madonna>
<Playlist> <is> <Purchased>

You probably want to add another condition like a specific date or  
date range when the tracks were added -- use your purchase date  
information.  Today's date will show up by default in the text field  
if you have the pop up buttons set:

<Dated Added> <is>  5/07/09

You can change this value, or you can change the pop up button from  
"is" to "is in the range".

I would personally make a regular playlist from the smart playlist  
after you're satisfied with the results.  Just use Command-A to select  
all of the tracks in the songs table and use the Command-Shift-N  
shortcut to create a new playlist from the selection.  This way  
there's no chance of inadvertently editing the smart playlist and  
overwriting the date added field -- which would be hard to remember if  
it got changed. You have the option of deleting the smart playlist.

Incidentally, your posted link is for Madonna's album "Like a Prayer"  
and not to the iTunes Essential listing for Madonna, which is (for the  
complete collection):


If method outlined above doesn't work for you, here's something else  
you can try.  Once you're at the iTunes Store page for the Madonna  
collection, issue the Command-P print shortcut.  In the dialog window,  
VO-Right arrow to set the radio button for the print option to "CD  
jewel case insert" -- which is the default setting -- and then set the  
pop up button for the theme option to "Large playlist (black and  
white)". Then either press carriage return or navigate to the "Print"  
button and press it (VO-Space).  The regular printer dialog window  
will appear.  Use item chooser menu (VO-I) to find "PDF Menu button",  
return, and VO-Space to press the button and view the menu options.   
You can "Save as PDF".  Alternatively, you could have found the  
"Preview button" and viewed the list of songs in Preview   This print  
option is the most straightforward way to get a list with just the  
song titles.  If you want to keep a list with the track names, times,  
album, and artist, choose the "Song listing" radio button for the  
print option and set the pop up button for themes to "Songs" after you  
do the Command-P in iTunes from the Madonna Essentials Collection  
page.  Incidentally, these print options work for your own playlists,  
too.  For a quick way to get a list of the tracks, select all (Command- 
A), and copy (Command-C) from the songs table for the Madonna  
Essentials songlist (stop interacting with the HTML part of the iTunes  
Store then VO-Down Arrow to the songs table).  You can paste the  
entries into a TextEdit file, but it will include everything in the  
table (times, prices, album, artist).  You can always go to View  
options on the menu bar (or use Command-J) and uncheck the boxes to  
display time, artist, and album before you select and copy the  
information in the songs table, but I find it easier to use the iTunes  
print option.  The format and choices are better, and you don't have  
to recheck the boxes again to get information on times and albums back  
in your iTunes Store display.

I'm ending by appending the description of iTunes Essentials from the  
Wikipedia entry on the iTunes Store.  The entry I pulled up in my  
Google search described the U.S. Store, but that seems to apply to  
your (Australian) Store, too, as well as the iTunes Stores of other  
countries, at least as far as the navigation goes. Navigating to  
"Music" under the first heading of the Store (VO-Shift-H) and then  
navigating to "More in Music" (VO-Shift-H twice) under the second  
heading on the store's music page and using VO-Down Arrow under that  
heading will take you to the "iTunes Essentials" store page.  In  
practice, you'll probably find an "Essentials" listing from the  
results of doing a search -- either from selecting the "Power Search"  
link in the HTML section of the iTunes Store (with item chooser or  
links chooser menu) or by using the "search" option under "Store" on  
the iTunes menu bar (VO-M, press "s" for Store, arrow down, press "s"  
for Search, and return).

<begin excerpt>


When entering the U.S. music store, there are multiple sub-divided  
stores that one can go into. These stores are either found under ‘More  
In Music,’ ‘Genres,’ ‘Pre-Orders,’ ‘Celebrity Playlists’ and ‘Free  
Downloads.’ Within ‘More In Music,’ one can enter various stores such  
as Starbucks Entertainment and iTunes Essentials. iTunes Essentials  
contains groupings of music based upon the artist of the music (Artist  
Essentials), the genre or history of the music (Genres and History),  
or any other similarities (My Groove). Each grouping of music is  
essentially a pre-made playlist. The songs in the playlist are all  
listed in order of their importance, starting with the artist's most  
well-known song. These playlists usually contain either 45 or 75 songs  
equally distributed in three sections: The Basics (the biggest, best,  
and most important songs), Next Steps (usually composed of popular  
songs just beyond the hits) and Deep Cuts (under-appreciated songs).  
Occasionally, specific Artist Essentials do not have a Deep Cuts  
section. This usually depends on how many releases the artist has  
completed over the years. Within ‘Genres,’ one can enter music stores  
that only have one genre such as blues or reggae. There are a total of  
20 genres in the U.S. music store. ‘Pre-Orders’ lists albums that one  
can pre-order before the album is released. ‘Celebrity Playlists’  
contains lists of songs chosen and described by celebrities. ‘Free  
Downloads’ are songs that subscribed iTunes Store users can obtain for  

<end excerpt>

HTH.  Cheers,


On May 6, 2009, at 11:51 AM, Scott Rutkowski wrote:

> Hi all.
> Can anyone please assist with the following query?
> If you take a look at the below link which takes you to the madonna  
> complete set in iTunes essentials, i'm trying to determine what  
> order this collection has been sorted.
> It's not sorted by album or artist name. Like a prayer comes first  
> from the immaculate collection then another song from another album  
> is next.
> can Esther or someone take a look at the below link in the iTunes  
> store and see if they can ddetermine how this playlist has been  
> sorted so I can have the playlist sorted the exact same way like it  
> is in the store?
> Here's the link and thanks for your help.
> http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewAlbum?i=83445997&id=83448003&s=143460
> >

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