If daisypod was daisybox, written for rockbox, it would work on  
several mp3 players.
Maybe that's what's wanted?

On Apr 16, 2009, at 5:08 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:

> Hum, I asked for something like that to be built in to rock box a
> couple of years ago and it stirred up such a furror of hatered that I
> abandoned the idea.  I really like my ipod personally, but have
> shelved it because it's become too much bother to open ITunes to get
> my music and such on to it.  I've been thinking of just selling off
> and looking at the book sense when it comes out in July.
> Best,
> erik burggraaf
> A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
> Phone: 888-255-5194
> Email: e...@erik-burggraaf.com
> On 16-Apr-09, at 1:25 AM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> This is not something that would happen right away unless some
>> dedicated volunteers step forward but I was thinking about developing
>> a daisy talking book extention for the IPod series of devices. This
>> would let Apple IPod users have the same access as Victor Stream  
>> users
>> to play audio books in the DTB formats.
>> What do you think,
>> Alex,
> >

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