Hi Jessi,

Just to bring you up to speed and state the ruggedness of the Mac  
platform with OutSpoken!  I am using DigiDesign ProTools 5.1 every  
single day with OutSpoken and "Fred" is still faithfully telling me  
what is up in PT and also in Studio Vision Pro MIDI sequencer I have  
been using Outspoken since 1993!
  I also will be using PT and Logic pro with VoiceOver when it comes  
PS to the list Logic's WaveBurner    CD mastering Ap is quite  
accessible with VoiceOver.
Just thought I would put my 2 cents in.

Chuck Reichel
In GOD we trust

On Apr 18, 2009, at 5:04 AM, Jessi Rathwell wrote:

> just thought I'd make the subject more relevent lol.
> Alex, you got me beat lol! I have no idea how old mine was when I got
> it and I sho have no clue where it is now!! lol. I remember the day my
> family got our first windows computer, it was november 11th 1997 I
> believe? possibly 96? can't remember the exact year lol. and from that
> day forward, the old mac went somewhere and I haven't seen it since!
> lol. I'm sure we dont't have it anymore, though I really wish we
> did...I'd love to play with it and actually learn outspoken just so I
> can say I know how to use it lol. although, from what I remember it
> didn't offer too much in the way of accessibility and the voice was
> horrible. I remember typing up a science project on that old thing
> lol. that was the only thing I remember doing with it, that and
> writing letters to an old pen pal I used to have! wow! the nostalgia!
> lol. now I'm wondering what happened to her? haha.
> I'mma ask my parents tomorrow if they remember life with that old mac,
> lol. I'mma remind them that their computer roots are based in apple!
> now they're all windows people and they're constantly teasing me about
> my love of all things apple so I think they need a reality check so
> they can remember where they came from lol.
> peace and positivity :)
> Jessi
> follow me on twitter www.twitter.com/canadian_diva
> On 18-Apr-09, at 12:54 AM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Andrea,
>> I too had a Mac in the early 1990's. I got it in 1995, thugh I still
>> had sight then. It was a single unit with built-in display. It was
>> fifteen years old when I got it from a family friend and I still have
>> it and it still works. My sister uses it more than I do because there
>> is not much accessibility support in those old OS's. Maybe I should
>> try outspoken on it just for kicks. Anywho, then I lost my sight  
>> after
>> aquireing my Beige G3. The little sight I had left was enough to use
>> zoom on the thing because no one I knew at the time knew about
>> Outspoken. Then I got a Windows PC. After using XP for about four or
>> five years I gave up on it. When Tiger came out, I got a tiger G4
>> Quick Silver running at 2GHZ and with 1.5 GB or RAM. Then while at
>> work, I got to play with the Beta of Leopard. Shortly after I got a
>> Pre-November 2007 Macbook the month before Leopard was released. I
>> also received a copy of Leopard when it was released. All this except
>> the PC was curtosy of the family friend who first introduced me to
>> computers.
>> I love the Mac and can say that I have been completely Windows free
>> for just about two years.
>> I hope you enjoy OS X as much as I do.
>> Thanks,
>> Alex,
>> On 18-Apr-09, at 12:20 AM, Jessi Rathwell wrote:
>>> ha! outspoken! that creepy voice saying :button" still haunts my
>>> dreams lol!! way back in the early 90s, back in the day when I was
>>> like eight, haha my school for some reason gave my family a mac? I
>>> think it was supposed to be for me but I remember my family used  
>>> it a
>>> lot more than I did. I do remember using it though! I never
>>> independently learned how to use outspoken, but I remember my  
>>> parents
>>> clicking on clarisworks for me and it saying "button," lol. I
>>> remember
>>> I learned to type on a mac too, cuz that was all they had my school.
>>> those old ones!! maybe that's why I can type so fast now? cuz I
>>> learned on a mac with all the right type? lol. I didn't see a pc
>>> til I
>>> was like 13 and then I learned windows, and swore to it! I was
>>> seriously the most anti-mac person ever until last march at CSUN  
>>> when
>>> my eyes were opened and I returned to my mac roots lol! I can't
>>> believe it's been almost a year! and I have no desire to go back!
>>> lol.
>>> anyway, welcome Andrea!! you'll love it!! feel free to ask  
>>> questions,
>>> that's what this list is for!!
>>> On 17-Apr-09,
>>> at 10:58 PM, Mark Baxter wrote:
>>>> Hi, Andrea:
>>>> I was using a Mac back in the early 1990's with OutSpoken, which  
>>>> was
>>>> not built in to the OS.  I would say that Voiceover in the latest
>>>> version of Leopard is similar to but far superior to that.  I just
>>>> switched from my XP machine in January, and have not gone back.  I
>>>> also have Vista running on this Macbook as well, so can do anything
>>>> in
>>>> Windows I need to.
>>>> I offer tutoring and support as well, so if you need me, give me a
>>>> shout.  I know you'll have a lot of fun with it, especially if
>>>> you're
>>>> the type that thinks like a musician--it's built in that intuitive,
>>>> fuzzy logic sort o way.
>>>> Mark BurningHawk
>>>> Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
>>>> MSN:  burninghawk1...@hotmail.com
>>>> My home page:
>>>> http://MarkBurningHawk.net/
> >

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