
Here is the instructions for remapping a key accessibly. Gosh, it  
feels like forever since I was looking into this, but anyways, here it  



On 6-Mar-09, at 6:27 PM, John J Herzog wrote:

> Hi Alex,
> Thanks for your offer to help. I'm not in a rush by any means, as I do
> not use linux for any mission critical tasks. It would be nice to have
> for use of web visum though, the gnome mud client, and a few extra
> goodies.
> I am willing to wait a week or two: that's fine. If I find something
> in the meantime that solves my problem, I'll let you know.
> On Mar 6, 2009, at 11:11 AM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'll help you. I'm current really busy though, so can you hang in
>> there until March 14, 2009, wink?
>> Thanks,
>> Alex,
>> On 5-Mar-09, at 7:36 PM, John J Herzog wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> This might be slightly off topic, but I'm having a hard time running
>>> ubuntu and orca in fusion from a macbook. The problem is, that caps
>>> lock is the only option for orca's modifier key, and this does not
>>> work correctly. Also, there is no sharp keys equivalent for linux,
>>> allowing me to remap the function to a different button.
>>> If you are a user of fusion, and successfully running linux/orca,
>>> please let me know how you do so. Note, feel free to respond off
>>> list,
>>> as I know this is not a linux forum.
>>> the email address is:
>>> johnjher...@gmail.com
>>> Thanks all,
>>> John
> >

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