Hey Dean;  I hear you man.  I was speaking to a lady friend of mine  
the other night.  She is the one who told me I needed to get on  
facebook in the first place.  She is totally sighted using a windows  
computer and after 30 minutes of trying to figure out how to move her  
photo to a different place on her page she thought about quitting the  
site too.  She finally found what she wanted, but I think she would  
have cancelled if she didn't have so many friends and family already  
on there.  Someone suggested using the mobile version which I'm trying  
now.  Are there many noticeable differences between using the mobile  
version and the full version?  I tell you the bain of my existance is  
web masters screwing up perfectly good totally accessible sites by  
trying to make something very good better.  I mean if you feel like  
you have to keep improving why not do it a little at a time so we can  
adjust to them gradully?  Well, I'll stop whyning and moaning and get  
back to trying to figure out my facebook page, my blogs, my website,  
my contact form, my dvd catalog, and why no one seams to be emailing  
me from my website.  I tell you if I had the money to hire one or the  
other I'd have to choose a tech geek over a driver and as a blind  
person that's saying about all I can say on the matter. lol  Thanks  
and keep in touch, Max
On Mar 15, 2009, at 3:36 AM, Dean Adams wrote:

> Hey Max,
>         I was using facebook with voice over with some success but  
> now they have changed the way the page is and I am finding it harder  
> to use to the point of giving up which I am dissapointed with as it  
> has been good to keep in touch with both friends and family so if  
> there is anyone who is an expert with the new facebook and is able  
> to use it with voice over please let us know.
> Regards Dean
> At 03:51 AM 14/03/2009, you wrote:
>> Hello Group;  Recently, a very good friend of mine asked me why i
>> wasn't promoting my business on facebook.  I told them I had had so
>> much trouble figuring out myspace that I hadn't tried.  So, I signed
>> up, and I'm starting to get addicted.  My question is has any one
>> found out how accessible their widget, gagets, or applications are.
>> Whatever you call them, can we use them.  Like there is a calendar
>> program, a poker program, and a baseball thingie that sound
>> interesting; but I was wondering if anyone else out there has much
>> experience with facebook and its many options.  I hope to hear from
>> some of you soon.  Thank you,
>> Max Ivey Jr.
>> The Midway Marketplace
>> Office 936-273-6960
>> Cell 281-989-0448
>> www.midwaymarketplace.com
>> maxw...@midwaymarketplace.com
>> yahoo messenger id midwaymarketplace
>> __________ NOD32 3936 (20090313) Information __________
>> This message was checked by NOD32 antivirus system.
>> http://www.eset.com
> !!!Thoughts become things so choose the good ones because Life's to  
> short to be a grumble bum !!!
> Email: d...@internode.on.net
> Phone: 02428133758
> Skype: deanadams9
> Mobile: 0428133758
> >

Max Ivey Jr.
The Midway Marketplace
Office 936-273-6960
Cell 281-989-0448
yahoo messenger id midwaymarketplace

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