Hi All;

  I can build the Primesieve library by hand, but by default the
library is installed in /usr/local.

  The MacPorts Manual/FAQ strongly discourages placing include files
and libraries in /usr/local.

  I really would like to use Primesieve (Library) from MacPorts if
somebody would be so kind as to create that port.

  My knowledge of cmake is insufficient to try to modify the
Primesieve source myself; and even if I did, where would I write the
include and and library files? It would be best to place them in
/opt/local, but then that really should be done by a Macports

  It would also be very nice if the Perl and Raku (others as well
would be icing on the cake!) bindings of the Primesieve Library were
also created as MacPorts ports.

  Meanwhile I am trying to learn how to create an Ada binding for the
Primesieve Library.


Ken Wolcott

On Mon, May 27, 2024 at 7:20 AM Ken Cunningham
<ken.cunningham.web...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Ken,
> I’ve updated the port here, just waiting for the CI system to validate on 
> arm, etc before pushing:
> https://github.com/macports/macports-ports/pull/24159
> I don’t know how to use or test those bindings you are asking for, and I 
> didn’t see anything in the cmake file about it. I didn’t look too hard, 
> admittedly.
> If you help me by showing me what you are trying to do and how it fails, I / 
> we can probably get it going for you. If I can’t, I’m sure someone can.
> Ken

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