While any given place may have its own conventions, it's not uncommon for 
people to have something either meaningful to them or that they thing is witty, 
in their .sig block (after a line consisting of just dash dash space).

The most that is usually expected is that something not be illegal, obscene, 
hate speech, sexually harassing, etc.  "all pagans will burn in heck" might be 
construed by some as hate speech (although it's really just an opinion); but 
what I suspect is being referred to is nothing like that.

In general, unless there's a solid guideline to the contrary, I don't think 
people should expect to be protected from hearing things they merely disagree 
with or in some sense disapprove of, even if small amounts of same, isolated as 
in a .sig, are off-topic. My .sig, below is certainly off-topic too, even if 
it's not religious (well, not directly; there was a moral of the story to "Peer 
Gynt"). If you're going to object to the other one, you really ought to object 
to mine too; to do otherwise would be discrimination (of the bad kind), IMO.

Lasik/PRK theme music:
    "In the Hall of the Mountain King", from "Peer Gynt"
(read act 2, scene 6 of the play if that doesn't make sense)

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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