I’m new to tcl, so maybe this is simple, but I haven’t been able to solve it.
I want to do something like this: startupitem.start "[variant_isset "withdnsserver"] ? "port load dns-server\n\t" : "" ] port load clamav-server \tport load apache-solr8 \tport load redis \tport load dcc \tport load postfix \tport load dovecot2 \tport load rspamd \tport load logrotate" Now, obviously, this doesn’t work because of all the double quotes inside double quotes. How do I do this without using variables? Gerben Wierda Chess and the Art of Enterprise Architecture <http://enterprisechess.com/> Mastering ArchiMate <http://masteringarchimate.com/> Architecture for Real Enterprises <https://www.infoworld.com/blog/architecture-for-real-enterprises/> at InfoWorld On Slippery Ice <https://eapj.org/on-slippery-ice/> at EAPJ