Bjarne D Mathiesen wrote:
> Richard L. Hamilton wrote:
>> Depending on the results, with some effort, it might be possible to drop 
>> some of the intermediate versions. But only if a later suitable (for 
>> everything dependent on it) version is possible on every supported OS. And 
>> it would mean bumping portfiles, and rebuilding everything depending on 
>> dropped versions.  It probably wouldn't be worth the bother, and given all 
>> the constraints, might only get rid of a few versions.
> so we've got 2 issues here :
>     - which pythonXY the pyXY-{name} support
>       and whether theese can be brought up to python37
>     - whether any Portfile that demands a pythonXY that isn't python37
>       can be updated to depend on python37 instead
> We'll need some statistict / overview on this matter.
> I'll look into this.

This ;-) nasty ;-) piece of bash scripting will give an oversigt of all
the pyXY-{name} ports and which versions of python they claim to support

I'll post a file on my website, when it has finished running :-)
Finished :

Optimised/revised script ; runs 9 times faster than the original

--- begin bash script ---

declare -a pyVersions=( 26 27 32 33 34 35 36 37 )
declare -a pyPorts=( $( port -q search --name py- \
                     | sed -E -e '/^py-/!d' ) )

maxLetters=$( \
    for (( i=0 ; i<${#pyPorts[@]} ; i++ ))
        echo ${#pyPorts[${i}]}
    done | sort -u -n | tail -1 )
(( maxLetters+=5 ))

for pyPort in ${pyPorts[@]}
    printf "%-${maxLetters}s" ${pyPort}
    subPorts=$( port info --subports --maintainer ${pyPort} )
    for V in ${pyVersions[@]}
        subCount=$( echo "${subPorts}" | fgrep -c "${V}" )
        if [[ "${subCount}" -eq 0 ]]
            echo -n "   "
            echo -n "${V} "
    echo $( echo ${subPorts} \
         | sed -E -e 's/^.*://' -e 's/.* ([^ ]*\@[^ ,]*).*$/\1/'  )
--- end bash script ---

Bjarne D Mathiesen
Korsør ; Danmark ; Europa
denne besked er skrevet i et (næsten) M$-frit miljø
MacOS X 10.13.6 High Sierra :
   17" 2011 MacBook Pro ; 2.8GHz Intel Core i7 ; 16GB 1067MHz DDR3
   2012 Mac Pro ; 2 x 3.46GHz 6-Core Xeon ; 48GB
MacOS X 10.6.8 Snow Leopard :
   Mac Mini ; 2GHz Core 2 Duo (64 bit) ; 4GB (3GB actual) 667MHz
   Mac Mini ; 1.83GHz Core Duo (32 bit) ; 2GB 667Mhz

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