> > I tried building with clang-3.7 but it doesn't work, because the port wants 
> > then to issue -stdlib=macports-libstdc++, which clang 3.7 does not 
> > understand.
> We didn't backport that feature to clang-3.7? I wonder why we didn't.

The supporting technology for macports-libstdc++ did not exist in llvm until 
the 3.9 release.

I backported it into llvm-3.8 for my own use on PPC 
<https://github.com/kencu/LeopardPorts/tree/master/lang/llvm-3.8> but there was 
no reason to make that available for MacPorts so I never submitted it (and 
clang-3.8 has been deleted from MacPorts anyway now).


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