> On 24 Nov 2018, at 4:22 pm, Richard L. Hamilton <rlha...@smart.net> wrote:
> One might suppose there are still people for which the standalone packaging 
> of Xquartz might be preferable - people that for whatever reason, don't want 
> to deal with the extra steps involved in installing MacPorts (including 
> installing Xcode plus command line tools), let alone updating it, and don't 
> think they'd want any of the other packages it offers.
I am simply stating what the maintainer himself has stated on the Xquartz 
mailing lists. 

I don’t disagree, but also I made the comment on this list on the assumption 
everything here does have MP installed. In that case I would suggest using the 
port is the better option.

The maintainer has also stated if someone wanted to do the work to simplify the 
task of creating a standalone installer from the MP installation, he would 
welcome it, as he has very limited time to devote to maintaining X11 on macOS 
(which is why he might only focus on MP going forward).


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