> On 28 Jul 2018, at 6:15 pm, dan d. <dandun...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I brought this up recently and was told to do a "pull request".
> I have no experience with such things.
> On the web they seem to be contributions of new or branches of ports and not 
> updating existing ports.

What exactly are you looking at ?

Git Pull requests can be viewed at


and there are certainly examples of both new ports and updates to existing ones.

> Advising the port maintainer of a request was also suggested on the web, I 
> have done so twice in the past weeks with no indication it was ever
> recieved let alone being considered.

In what manner did you ‘advise the port maintainer’. Sending a mail to this 
list is not the way. To do so either submit a pull request with the update 
yourself, or file a ticket in trac requesting an update.


Pull requests are more likely to get acted on quicker. For a guide to that see 
for instance



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