Well, to do that, you would have to change the default configure.optflags in 



and change 

default configure.optflags      {-Os}

to something like

default configure.optflags      {"-O0 -g"}

perhaps, or whatever works for you.

Then on a port by port basis you might need to look for Portfiles that override 
the configure.optflags and check on them individually.

Finally, you'd need to set

buildfromsource                 always

No tickets, please! You're on your own when you go off track like this.


On 2018-05-31, at 5:35 PM, Eitan Adler wrote:

> Is it possible to get debug symbols enabled by default for ports? I'd
> like to always compile c-alike languages with "-g" and not have them
> stripped.
> -- 
> Eitan Adler

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