Dear list,
I don't know if this si common, but when I tried to install gdb (because
my lazarus 1.8 complains about missing gdb) using
|sudo port install gdb|
I got an error when installing the dependency package xz, with the
following error
my port was updated and has the latest version.
Please advise how to get around this. thanks
|:info:build In file included from common/common.c:13:||
||:info:build In file included from In file included from
||:info:build In file included from In file included from
||:info:build In file included from
file included from
||:info:build :1717../../src/common/mythread.h:||
||:info:build ::||
||:info:build 2::2In file included from In file included from
||:info:build In file included from :../../src/liblzma/common/common.h
error:common/index.c :error17: :||
||:info:build :||*13unknown type name 'clockid_t'; did you mean
||:info:build errorIn file included from : :
common/easy_preset.c:13unknown type name 'clockid_t'; did you mean
'clock_t'?In file included from||
||:info:build ../../src/liblzma/common/index.hunknown type name
'clockid_t'; did you mean 'clock_t'?:||
||:info:build 16:||
||:info:build In file included from :||
||:info:build In file included from
||:info:build 2In file included from :../../src/liblzma/common/common.h
:error17: :||
||:info:build ../../src/common/mythread.h||*unknown type name
'clockid_t'; did you mean 'clock_t'?:*||
||:info:build ../../src/liblzma/common/common.h:17:||
||:info:build clockid_t clk_id; clockid_t
||:info:build 120:||
||:info:build In file included from common/easy_preset.c:13:||
||:info:build In file included from
||:info:build In file included from ../../src/liblzma/common/common.h:17:||
||:info:build ../../src/common/mythread.hIn file included from In file
included from common/filter_common.c:13:In file included from
||:info:build :In file included from
||:info:build common/block_util.cIn file included from
||:info:build 13../../src/common/mythread.h:250:19: 16:||
||:info:build use of undeclared identifier 'CLOCK_REALTIME'||
||:info:build : ||*error: use of undeclared identifier 'CLOCK_REALTIME'*||
||:info:build In file included from :||
||:info:build common/index.c:In file included from 13:||
||:info:build ../../src/liblzma/common/common.hIn file included from
||:info:build 16../../src/common/mythread.h:250:19In file included
from mycond->clk_id = CLOCK_REALTIME;||
||:info:build ../../src/liblzma/common/common.h ^:||