As the subject sez...
After being bitten by Perl 5.26 apparently being surreptitiously installed
last week and breaking modules[*] in the process (@INC no longer includes
"."), my regular Monday "port upgrade outdated" seemed to deactivate Perl
5.24 (and refusing to break some dependencies) and installed 5.26, which I
thought it already did...
Before I post logs etc, could I please have a short summary as to what the
hell is happening? I can't be the only one being done over like this...
I note that FreeBSD is still conservatively staying with 5.24, and my
Penguin box seems to be araldited onto 5.20, so why the rush for 5.26 that
is known to be backwards-incompatible?
At least mine still works after "-I." whilst I'm developing it...
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