On Sun, Jan 28, 2018 at 7:43 AM, Ryan Schmidt <ryandes...@macports.org> wrote:
> From what you've described, I can only conclude that you already had 
> mercurial installed with the +bash_completion variant. If you didn't, what 
> you did would have worked:

OK, it seems to have actually worked.

    $ port installed mercurial
    The following ports are currently installed:
      mercurial @4.1.3_0
      mercurial @4.2_0
      mercurial @4.3.1_0
      mercurial @4.4.2_0+bash_completion (active)

> Note that:
> * "port variants" shows you what variants are available, not what variants 
> you have installed. It will only show a + (or -) next to variants that you 
> have explicitly enabled (or disabled) on the command line at the time when 
> you run "port variants", or in variants.conf. Use "port installed" to see 
> what you have installed.


> * mercurial's +bash_completion variant doesn't put files in 
> /opt/local/etc/bash_completion.d. Use "port contents mercurial" to see what 
> it installed.

I see that the file is actually
"/opt/local/share/bash-completion/completions/mercurial".  Thanks for
your help.


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