On Jan 15 13:39:34, macint...@mathiesen.info wrote:
> Apple shouldn't disable the root account through a supplementary update
> when I've chosen to activate it. They have _never_ done this before !

I agree that Apple shouldn't be touching the users setup,
such as enable/disable account's login. But they do,
because they are Apple. Obey.

> >> Also if you have scrips that eg ssh into the box from the outside,
> >> this will completely thow off your setup.
> > 
> > You have scripts that remotely log in as root?
> presently no
> but I ssh into my boxes as root in order to admin them
> there's stuff I can only access as root - eg the postfix and dovecot logs

That's exactly what the 'wheel' group is for in UNIX,
or why 'admin' accounts are for in MacOS, right?


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