On Jul 2, 2017, at 20:30, Dave Horsfall wrote:

> Doing my weekly "port upgrade outdated", it fell over when building "flac" 
> (whatever that is):

Note that it failed at libsndfile, not flac.

>    --->  Attempting to fetch patch-Wvla.diff from 
> http://her.gr.distfiles.macports.org/libsndfile
>    Error: Failed to fetch libsndfile: The requested URL returned error: 404 
> Not Found
>    Error: See 
> /opt/local/var/macports/logs/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_aarnet.au.rsync.macports.org_pub_macports_audio_libsndfile/libsndfile/main.log
>  for details.
> Is there some reason why my local mirror is out of date?

The mirror isn't out of date. MacPorts should never have attempted to fetch the 
patch from the mirror, because the patch should already have been in the files 


Why isn't it there on your system?

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