> On May 28, 2017, at 14:11, Fielding, Eric J (329A) 
> <eric.j.field...@jpl.nasa.gov> wrote:
> Hello,
> Since yesterday, I noticed that I am now getting MacPorts “macports-users 
> Digest” email from two different lists, one at “macosforge.org” (Vol 125, 
> Issue 10 today) and one at “macports.org” (Vol 129, Issue 19 today). Is this 
> a fork of the MacPorts Users mailing list or a transition? I am sending this 
> to both lists, so I apologize to those who get two copies if they are 
> subscribed to both. I remember there was some transition last year, but I 
> don’t remember the details of what was supposed to happen to the lists.

I noticed this problem too. I need to talk to Apple about fixing it, since they 
run the list server that handled lists.macosforge.org before we moved it to our 
own server. Please see:


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