On 4/19/17, 1:53 AM, "Rainer Müller" <rai...@macports.org> wrote:

    On 2017-04-19 01:41, Kendall Shaw wrote:
    > This is sort of on topic because I installed tmux via macports…
    > I can do this to set environment variable as as non-root user:
    > launchctl setenv BLAH blah
    > But, within tmux I get:
    > Not privileged to set domain environment.
    I would assume this is due to tmux running in its own bootstrap
    namespace, similar to the problem of not being able to access the
    pasteboard services from within tmux.
    A good explanation can be found here:
Thank you. Installing tmux-pasteboard and configuring tmux to use 
reattach-to-user-namespace allows me to use launchctl setenv within tmux. And 
I’ve added the Deprecated Daemonomicon to my reading list.

Something like tmux-reattach-to-user-namespace might be a better package name, 
it seems to me.


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