On 23/02/17 17:51, Michael Parson wrote:
On Fri, 24 Feb 2017, Dave Horsfall wrote:
On Thu, 23 Feb 2017, Chris Jones wrote:


If not, then go to in terminal


assuming that is your macports prefix.

Run 'open .' which will start finder in that area, and then activate TM.
Sir, you are a genius :-)  Gimme your address, and I'll send you a

Regretfully to say, it never occured to me to "cd" to the wanted
For those allergic to command-lines, or afraid of terminals,
I figured for those using macports the above probably did not apply ;)


 you can
use 'Shift-CMD-G' (or Menu Bar->Go->Go to Folder) and put '/opt' in the
dialog box that opens.

Also useful for getting into '~/Library' as well as any other folder
Apple has decided to not show you by default via Finder.

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