On Tue, Feb 7, 2017 at 7:34 AM, James Linder <j...@tigger.ws> wrote:

> Hi All
> I did port list and nothing jumped out. I 'm looking for a mailer.
> Suggestions anyone.
> Apple mail is perfect *except* it's baysen filtering is rat-wossname. I
> get pounded daily with 'Patriot Videos' and '2nd amendment' crap. I've
> reset the filters, written my own rules, banged my head.
> I installed thunderbird and seamonkey which learned in a few days, I get
> no spam but junk accumulates 50 to 100 real-junk-mail per day.
> Trouble is setting font and sizes is very hard to do with mozilla tools.
> Example I cannot use any plug-ins, there is no load file option on sierra.
> Perchance macports has a decent mail program.

"mailer" has been a dead term for a couple decades, since everything has
switched to IMAP. "mail client" is the usual term. Unfortunately, that
doesn't seem to be used consistently in descriptions :(

So, `port list category:mail` gets you a combination of servers,
interactive clients, and client libraries. I'm not quite sure how to
quickly filter that further.

brandon s allbery kf8nh                               sine nomine associates
allber...@gmail.com                                  ballb...@sinenomine.net
unix, openafs, kerberos, infrastructure, xmonad        http://sinenomine.net
  • mailers James Linder
    • Re: mailers Brandon Allbery

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