> I completely understand why this is not happening. But a lesser goal would be 
> in the category “I'm sorry, Dave, but I can't do that.” IOTW, when the 
> dependencies of packages are in conflict, it is better to get an error 
> message than an apparently successful build that doesn't work. This does 
> happen with conflicting direct dependencies, does it not? If package A needs 
> gtk2 +quartz and package B needs gtk2 +x11, you will not be able to install 
> both A and B at the same time? (At least not without encountering numerous 
> warnings and using -f to get past them.) But when these dependencies are 
> indirect, life gets complicated, and the conflict hard or impossible to 
> detect. (Though I am still not sure I quite understand why.)
> – Harald

I agree that a warning/error when an install would conflict would be nice. But 
I am confused about the underlying problem.

1. The X11 and Quartz versions of the "either/or" installs either place or use 
files at the same locations, and you cannot have two different files at the 
same place (well, you *CAN*, in some unix flavors; this is typically found in 
multiple machine OS's that have a hidden directory that looks like a file. Mac 
OS does not support this.)
2. But there are some ports that work with both flavors, and adapt -- so they 
have a way to use/provide both kinds of service (gtk I think was one of them) 
-- so some libraries can provide both services ... but one file?

Am I misunderstanding something here?


Beyond that, it sounds like the x11 vs quartz system would need to check all 
installed thingies that use one or the other, and give a warning if there are 
any of the wrong flavor installed, and either a "here's how to switch them all 
to this flavor" or "some cannot be switched to this flavor".


My big question: Why are two different API's -- the quartz and the x11 
libraries -- being installed in the same location?!?

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