You could try activating the non +universal version to get a dependency error. Then do the same for the dependency, and so on back to the first port built +universal.


On 05/01/17 14:56, Adam Dershowitz wrote:

On Jan 5, 2017, at 9:44 AM, Rainer Müller < <>> wrote:

On 2017-01-05 14:51, Adam Dershowitz wrote:

On Jan 4, 2017, at 10:02 PM, Ryan Schmidt < <>> wrote:

On Jan 4, 2017, at 07:52, Adam Dershowitz wrote:

So, yes it seems that the on the new machine I ended up with gcc6 being universal, so then cctools, ld64-latest, llvm-3.9 etc are all universal. But, the strange thing is that gcc6 has no dependents, and I didn’t explicitly install it. So, I’m not sure what caused it to be installed. And, on the new machine it, and the chain down, installed +universal, while on the older machine it installed the default variant. Both computers installed gcc6 6.2.0_2. So, my academic question is why did this happen? And, the related questions are what port would have installed gcc6? Since I see this:
$port dependents gcc6
gcc6 has no dependents.

I don't know. If you don't need gcc6, don't install it / uninstall it.

It appears that build dependencies don’t show up with the dependencies command? So, some installed port might have required gcc6 to install, but doesn’t need it for runtime.

Try with this:

 port echo depends_build:gcc6 and installed

This is only using the information from the latest ports tree, but could
probably answer your question.


Thanks that helps. It is a step in the right direction, but still leaves my question about what generates all the extra universal builds on the new machine, when the old machine had mostly default. For example, on the new machine the above shows that py27-numpy has two installs, with the active one being +universal. So, the migrate script first installed it default, then due to yet another port, must have rebuilt it +universal. But, I don’t know how to trace those back to the root of it. Perhaps the least effort would be to remove +universal completely from myports.txt then uninstall everything, and then reinstall with the migrate script? Would anything that needs to be universal then end up getting put back that way?

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