I am an happy user of MacPorts at home and started using it at work.
I have a problem with my corporate firewall when I need to install "big"
packages (for instance db48 which is 19,9 Mbits). My firewall/proxy (and
I have no control over its configuration) do antivirus check on all
downloads including over https. To do this the proxy download the
package on its side, do the antivirus check and then if everything is
fine send back the file to the client. During the download process it
sends keep-alive packets. This means that the download rate at the
begining is dropping very fast and, at the end, will increase with the
whole file being send over the lan.
This work in a browser environment but macport will switch from mirror
to mirror before any of them has a chance to finish the download.
So I have two questions:
- is there a way to disable mirroring?
- if not how can I manually copy the package file in the /opt filesystem
in order to skip the fetch process?
I use this opportuny to thank all the hard working developpers who
contribute to macports!