On Nov 22, 2016, at 4:47 AM, FritzS - gmx <fri...@gmx.net> wrote:
> Sometimes unbound could not bind his port 53 after restart.
> After this unbound are not listed as process in the CPU process dump too.
> A second start command tells process are running.
> So I must restart my mac that it works.

you could probably do 'port unload unbound && port load unbound' instead of 

> I obsurved unbound start short under user root and changed quickly to user 
> unbound - I think to be able to bind his port.
> Are the way to use user and group ID's under 500 a better way?

no. UIDs under 500 are reserved by apple (and aren't related to whatever issue 
you're seeing).

If you want to debug this further, you're going to need to figure out why 
exactly unbound isn't binding to port 53 when it first tries to start.

Daniel J. Luke

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