I was opening a new PR to update a Rust dependency today and could not
figure out how to update the `cargo.crates` section. Digging through the
cargo-fetch portgroup pointed me to
which fails to run because the Cargo.lock format appears not to be the same
as it was when written.

Using toml2json (from the Python remarshal package) and jq, I managed to
make a simple bash function that does the same thing, more or less. It
*always* prints using the max name / version lengths and it requires that
`Cargo.lock` be in the current directory, but these are small prices to
pay. This may also be simplified if you have
https://github.com/simonrupf/convert2json installed, where I believe you
could simply use `tq` (this is not currently available as a port; adding
one won't be hard, but feature selection will be tricky because it attempts
to install a `yq` binary by default, making it conflict with the yq port).

cargo2port() {
  toml2json Cargo.lock | jq -r $'
  def lpad($len; $fill): tostring | ($len - length) as $l | ($fill *
$l)[:$l] + .;
  def lpad($len): lpad($len; " ");
  def rpad($len; $fill): tostring | ($len - length) as $l | . + ($fill *
  def rpad($len): rpad($len; " ");
  .package |
    map(select(.checksum != null)) |
    (. | max_by(.name | length) | .name | length) as $max_name |
    (. | max_by(.version | length) | .version | length) as $max_version |
    map("    \(.name | rpad($max_name))  \(.version | lpad($max_version))
 \(.checksum)") |
    join(" \\\\\n") as $body |
    "cargo.crates \\\\\n\($body)"

In any case, I hope this helps anyone else who wants to modify a Rust port.

Austin Ziegler • halosta...@gmail.com • aus...@halostatue.ca

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