On 17/5/2023 07:44, Robert Kennedy wrote:
I am unable to fetch a file in a git repo using MacPorts.  I get an SSL expired error.

    fatal: unable to access
    'https://codeberg.org/schilytools/schilytools.git/': *SSL
    certificate problem: certificate has expired*
    *Command failed: /usr/bin/git clone* --progress --depth=1
    Exit code: 128

Please note that MacPorts is trying to use "*/usr/bin/git*" which is OLD.  I can fetch the archive in the Terminal using the recent version of git installed by MacPorts at "*/opt/local/bin/git*".

"*/opt/local/bin/git*" is also in my $PATH.  When I run "*which git*", I get "*/opt/local/bin/git*".

If there a config setting in MacPorts to tell it to use git located at "/opt/local/bin/git"?

The Portfile option is 'git.cmd'.

- Josh

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