On Wednesday April 26 2023 17:13:22 René J.V. Bertin wrote: >I'll probably get there, but in anyone has the magic formula handy I'd >appreciate it.
NM, figured it out. BTW, this was part of developing a PortGroup that provides an alternative for ports which need rust and cargo in order to be built, initially because it was clearly going to be more trouble than I cared for to port port:rust and port:cargo to my LinuxPorts project. (And because I didn't expect there to be a binary build of those ports for OS X 10.9 ...) I now have a working "rustup" PortGroup (tested against port:clamav and port:sccache) which will still use port:rust+cargo if they are installed (or when forced to), but will otherwise do a minimal rustup install inside `port work` and let the build system do its thing more or less freely, including fetching whatever packages (crates?) are required. Personally I prefer this kind of overhead if you need rust only to build a handful of ports (the minimal rustup install has a much smaller footprint than the MacPorts equivalent). R.