Out of curiosity, do the built-from-source openjdk ports have the support for 
the oldest macOS releases? In other words, picking, say, Azul, doesn’t support 
older OSes as much?

> On Feb 23, 2023, at 4:50 PM, Nils Breunese <n...@breun.nl> wrote:
> The built-from-source openjdk11 and openjdk17 ports have arm64 support. The 
> openjdk8 port doesn’t though. If you want Java 8 on arm64, you can install 
> openjdk8-zulu (Azul Zulu OpenJDK) or openjdk8-corretto (Amazon Corretto).
> Nils.
>> Op 23 feb. 2023, om 22:22 heeft Kirill A. Korinsky via macports-dev 
>> <macports-dev@lists.macports.org> het volgende geschreven:
>> Keep in mind that for M1 you probably need zulu JVM.
>> -- 
>> wbr, Kirill
>>> On 23. Feb 2023, at 21:48, Joshua Root <j...@macports.org> wrote:
>>> Does anyone know why there is no default value for java.fallback? The 
>>> assumption appears to be that if a port is using this portgroup, it 
>>> requires Java, since it errors out in pre-fetch if no Java is found. So it 
>>> seems like having no fallback by default is just causing builds to fail 
>>> unnecessarily.
>>> If a default fallback is appropriate, what should it be? My initial 
>>> impression is that the latest LTS openjdk that works on the current OS 
>>> would be reasonable.
>>> - Josh

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