On Aug 7, 2022, at 08:05, Steven Smith wrote:

> Someday, one hopes that there will be a cleanup of all the tcl code that 
> breaks for prefix paths with spaces and non-ascii characters, but that’s 
> aspirational, not reality.

Many ports use build systems like autoconf that do not support paths that 
contain spaces or other special characters [1]. As such there's no point in 
spending time to fix MacPorts base or individual Portfiles to support paths 
that contain spaces or special characters.


> Autoconf uses shell-script processing extensively, so the file names that it 
> processes should not contain characters that are special to the shell. 
> Special characters include space, tab, newline, NUL, and the following:
> " # $ & ' ( ) * ; < = > ? [ \ ` |
> Also, file names should not begin with ‘~’ or ‘-’, and should contain neither 
> ‘-’ immediately after ‘/’ nor ‘~’ immediately after ‘:’. On Posix-like 
> platforms, directory names should not contain ‘:’, as this runs afoul of ‘:’ 
> used as the path separator.
> These restrictions apply not only to the files that you distribute, but also 
> to the absolute file names of your source, build, and destination directories.
> On some Posix-like platforms, ‘!’ and ‘^’ are special too, so they should be 
> avoided.

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