Thanks everyone for your responses and suggestions. Short story: I used the existing `sudo port install calendar-contacts-server` and … it works!
Even though this project is old and archived, I’m not aware of any open source that replaces its functionality, and it’s now fully reliant on a MacPorts stack, so I expect it will work indefinitely now. The long story and the reason for my initial query: I had originally implemented a working instance without MacPorts, then wrote the Portfile to get a MacPorts version, then adopted the “if it’s not broke don’t fix it” attitude with my original, non-MacPorts Calendar server. So I kept that running until this week when there was some breaking change in the macOS 12.3 Python environment. I tried a quick manual install and ran into this issue, and believe I got tangled up in stuff I had to fix a couple years ago to get the MacPorts version working. IIRC the solution involves setting the correct environment variables, as done in the Portfile. There’s one little issue I ran into, and I’d appreciate a suggested fix. The pip installer wants to see sqlparse==0.2.0 in the virtualenv, which it installs correctly, but for some reason breaks later when it finds a MacPorts-installed version of py27-sqlparse. The solution is to just uninstall this port. How should this conflict best be expressed in the Portfile? > On Mar 17, 2022, at 15:10, Ryan Schmidt <> wrote: > > On Mar 17, 2022, at 04:39, Chris Jones wrote: > >> Does the port *have* to use python 2.7 ? Is it not compatible with python >> 3.x ? > > See where Steven asked > upstream for guidance on migrating to Python 3. There was no reply. The > project is no longer being developed. >