On 2022-01-26 02:59, Joshua Root wrote:

…In any case, we maintain lists of functions that are known not to exist on each macOS version, so the warning can be suppressed. They are in the ports tree here: <https://github.com/macports/macports-ports/tree/master/_resources/port1.0/checks/implicit_function_declaration>…

I have filed Pull Request ​#13804 ''64550 Add 'at_quick_exit' to 10.14 whitelist'' <https://github.com/macports/macports-ports/pull/13807> to, as the title says, add function name 'at_quick_exit' to the macosx10.14 implicit declaration whitelist. I would appreciate attention to that PR when it is convenient for the right person.

I imagine that this same function name should be added to whitelists for other SDK versions. But I don't know how to test and confirm this. Is there a process for checking whitelist entries across all SDK versions? Say, via the buildbots?

Once a whitelist is modified, when does a MacPorts installation benefit from that change?  Immediately, because the implicit function declaration code reaches back to MacPorts to get the most recent whitelists? After the next port selfupdate? After the next port base code new version release?

Also, I could not find documentation on the whitelist process, or on the Portfile declaration "configure.checks.implicit_function_declaration.whitelist-append".

So I added two new sections to the Wiki page *WimplicitFunctionDeclaration*:

*Add names to implicit declaration whitelist* <https://trac.macports.org/wiki/WimplicitFunctionDeclaration#Addnamestoimplicitdeclarationwhitelist>

*Add names to whitelist via Portfile* <https://trac.macports.org/wiki/WimplicitFunctionDeclaration#AddnamestowhitelistviaPortfile>

I wrote something which seemed plausible to me, in the belief that flawed documentation is better than no documentation. But I wrote largely without direct knowledge of how whitelist work, and how we should use them. Thus I would appreciate review of these sections of the Wiki page in particular.

Best regards,
    —Jim DeLaHunt, Vancouver, Canada

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