Mojca Miklavec wrote:
> 3.) ...
> One of the special tasks that doesn't require almost any special
> knowledge and just takes a lot of time to do, would be migration of
> all ports that depend on perl from perl 5.28 to 5.34. Most of the time
> it's sufficient to just replace the version in all portfiles (and
> ideally, but not necessarily test whether the modified port still
> builds), but there are likely hundreds and any helping hand would be
> mostly welcome.

I did this a looong while back :
$=> cat perl5.bash

# change these to reflect your installation:
# prefix       : where you have installed macports
# macportsRoot : where you want to store the modifed Portfiles
#   ${1} :: type of conversion (hard|soft) (default:soft)
#   ${2} :: old version of Perl5 (default: 12)
#   ${3} :: new version of Perl5 (default: 16)

declare prefix='/macports'
declare macportsRoot='/Volumes/Bjarne/WebServer/MacPorts/portfiles'

declare type=${1:-soft}
declare -i versionOld=${2:-12}
declare -i versionNew=${3:-16}

# don't change this

mkdir -pv ${macportsRoot}
declare -i counter=0
declare -i totalPorts=$( port -q list | wc -l )
declare -i portrev

# this time we're only interested in perl5.12

cd "${macportsRoot}"

# find all the ports that are dependent on perl5.${version}
# or p5.${version}-<something>
while read portname[0] portname[1] portname[2]
    (( counter++ ))
    printf "\r[ %5i | %5i ] %-50s" ${counter} ${totalPorts} ${portname[2]}
    fundet=$( \
        grep -E -e "(perl5.${version}|p5.${version})" $(port file
${portname[0]}) \
    |   wc -l )
    if [ ${fundet} -gt 0 ]
        # copy the Portfile
        echo ''
        mkdir -p ${portname[2]}
        cd  ${portname[2]}
        cp  $(port file ${portname[0]}) 'Portfile.orig'

        # splice the PortGroup command into the Portfile
        portrev=$( grep -i "PortGroup.*perl5" 'Portfile.orig' | wc -l )
        if [ ${portrev} -eq 0 ]
            sed -En -e "1,/^PortSystem/p" 'Portfile.orig' \
                >  'Portfile'
            echo -e "PortGroup        perl5  1.0" \
                >> 'Portfile'
            sed -E  -e "1,/^PortSystem/d" 'Portfile.orig' \
                >> 'Portfile'
            cp 'Portfile.orig' 'Portfile'

        # replace the hardcoded values
        case ${type} in
        ( 'soft' )
            sed -i '' -E \
                -e "/^\#/!s/perl5.${versionOld}/perl\$\{perl5.major\}/g" \
                -e "/^\#/!s/p5.${versionOld}/p\$\{perl5.major\}/g" \
        ( 'hard' )
            sed -i '' -E \
                -e "/^\#/!s/perl5.${versionOld}/perl5.${versionNew}/g" \
                -e "/^\#/!s/p5.${versionOld}/p/5.${versionNew}g" \

        # create *.diff files for all the copied Portfiles
        rm 'patch-Portfile.diff' 2>/dev/null
        diff -u \
            $( port file ${portname[0]} ) \
            'Portfile' \
        > 'patch-Portfile.diff'

        cd ${OLDPWD}
done < <( port list )
printf "\r[ %5i | %5i ] %-50s\n" ${counter} ${totalPorts} '*** FINISHED ***'

needs to be modified for the current situation, but it's a starting
point ;-)

Bjarne D Mathiesen
Korsør ; Danmark ; Europa
denne besked er skrevet i et totalt M$-frit miljø
MacPro 2010 ; OpenCore + macOS 10.15.7 Catalina
2 x 3,46 GHz 6-Core Intel Xeon ; 256 GB 1333 MHz DDR3 ECC RDIMM
ATI Radeon RX 590 8 GB

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