Hello, MacPorts developers:

I've been enjoying the *freeciv* game, supplied by MacPorts, over several years. My thanks to everyone whose efforts has made MacPorts possible. I am now ready to make a contribution myself.

I propose a major restructure to the *freeciv* port. I am looking for review of my suggestions, and agreement in principle that I can go ahead with them. I have opened ticket #62984 https://trac.macports.org/ticket/62984 to collect input.

Summary: The present *freeciv* port is structured in a way which provides just a few of the 12 clients and utilities which the upstream codebase now provides. The present port is divided into two mutually incompatible sub-ports. I propose a major restructure, making a *freeciv* port, with variants instead of subports to include clients along with their dependencies, e.g. |@gtk3| to provide the *freeciv-gtk3* and *freeciv-gtk3.22* clients along with a dependency on port *gtk3*.

I'm concerned that this change will surprise present users of the *freeciv[-x11]* ports. They will need to specify variants which weren't necessary before. The port *freeciv-x11* goes away. What is the right way to announce this proposal, and gather feedback?

What is a good way of determining the exact list of ports on which each of these clients depends? I know they all build on my system, with its 2000+ ports. But I don't see an easy way to determine the minimal set of ports required.

I welcome discussion here and in ticket #62984.

Thanks in advance,
    —Jim DeLaHunt

.   --Jim DeLaHunt, j...@jdlh.com     http://blog.jdlh.com/ (http://jdlh.com/)
      multilingual websites consultant

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