Yes, this looks right. If you are on an older 11.<old> system you will only 
have the newest (MacOSX11.3.sdk at this time). This means that macports will 
warn you about missing SDK even though it is there and you have all the tools 
and everything builds correctly.

There was a past email on this list about the issue and the answer was "ignore 
the warning until you have an SDK that matches your system" but this seems 
actually not right. The SDKs seem to be backwards compatible since apple only 
includes the very newest SDK in each new release of the command line tools. The 
correct answer seems to be to use the symlink unless i'm missing something.


> On May 12, 2021, at 2:27 AM, Ryan Schmidt <> wrote:
> I notice that the Xcode 12.5 CLT (but not Xcode 12.5) now contains a 
> MacOSX11.sdk symlink pointing to the MacOSX11.3.sdk. If MacPorts used 
> MacOSX11.sdk when available instead of the more-specific version number, it 
> would reduce some of the problems we have from baked-in SDK paths in some 
> ports. Would be nice if we could fit that change into the MacPorts 2.7.0 
> release.

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