> On 4 May 2021, at 7:47 am, Chris Jones <jon...@hep.phy.cam.ac.uk> wrote:
>> On 4 May 2021, at 7:35 am, Nils Breunese <n...@breun.nl> wrote:
>>>> Op 4 mei 2021 om 03:39 heeft Daniel J. Luke <dl...@geeklair.net> het
>>>> volgende geschreven:
>>>>> On May 3, 2021, at 6:33 PM, Nils Breunese <n...@breun.nl> wrote:
>>>> I maintain the openjdk* ports. These ports install prebuilt x86_64
>>>> binaries from AdoptOpenJDK. A MacPorts user with an M1 created
>>>> https://trac.macports.org/ticket/62802 to report that installing the
>>>> openjdk11 port on his machine makes rev-upgrade reports a couple of files
>>>> in this port as ‘broken’. I’ve asked the reporter to manually download the
>>>> prebuilt x86_64 tarball, and that seems to work fine on his M1 machine.
>>>> I am not sure what MacPorts runs that decides these files are broken. Can
>>>> anyone tell me more about this?
>>> That's rev-upgrade, from the manpage (man 1 port-rev-upgrade):
>>> port rev-upgrade will check all binaries (i.e., executables and
>>> libraries) installed by MacPorts for consistency. If any linking
>>> problems such as missing or incompatible libraries are found,
>>> rev-upgrade will rebuild broken ports in an attempt to fix the
>>> problems.
>>> By default, rev-upgrade is run automatically after each installation or
>>> upgrade, unless you pass the --no-rev-upgrade option or disable this
>>> beahvior in macports.conf(5) using the revupgrade_autorun switch.
>> Ah, thanks!
>> What can I do to the Portfile to fix this for M1 users? I don’t get these
>> errors on my Intel Mac. Although the prebuilt binary is for x86_64 it runs
>> on arm64 as well, as tested by the issue reporter.
>> The reporter now gets stuck in a rev-upgrade loop. Is there a way to
>> configure a port to skip the broken file check? Or will I need to change the
>> Portfile to remove the files that got reported as broken from the extracted
>> prebuilt archive when running on arm64?
> Do you know exactly what is being flagged ? Can you ask the use to run
> rev-upgrade in debug mode to get more info ? Is there a trac ticket for this ?
Forget that last question just saw your first post.
>> Nils.