I’ve noticed this with all of my recent PRs.

But here’s one from a few days ago, for NoMacs:
Looking at the raw logs, with timestamps, illustrates the issue.

The first dependency started installing at 3:33pm:
2021-04-24T15:33:40.0051560Z Installing dependency (1 of 265) 'bzip2' with 
variants '' (requesting '') ... [OK]

While the last dependency finished installing at 5:27pm, two hours later:
2021-04-24T17:22:49.4607320Z Installing dependency (265 of 265) 'qt5-qttools' 
with variants '' (requesting '') ... [OK]
2021-04-24T17:27:26.6862050Z ##[endgroup]

The last one is a great example: While QT5 isn’t a small port, it required a 
5-minute installation time? Though it isn’t limited to that specific port, as 
the entire dependency installation process is slow.

Is this normal/expected?

> On 2021-04-27-T, at 11:21, Ryan Schmidt <ryandes...@macports.org> wrote:
>> On Apr 25, 2021, at 08:46, Christopher Nielsen wrote:
>> Are the GitHub CI builds running much slower than usual? (At least, as 
>> compared to a few weeks ago.)
>> Installing of dependencies, in particular, is taking several hours.
>> Does anyone have any thoughts/insight?
> Can you point me to a log of such a build?
> The dependencies should be downloaded as packages from our servers. 
> Distributable packages are downloaded as they would be for anybody else. 
> Non-distributable packages are downloaded from a private server that only the 
> CI systems have access to. If the CI system is not able to reach our private 
> server for some reason, CI would need to build non-distributable packages 
> from source, which could certainly take hours longer than downloading the 
> binaries depending on what the dependencies are.

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