On Thu, Apr 22, 2021 at 11:05:34PM +0900, Aaron Madlon-Kay wrote:
> However it was rejected by the maintainer because he *wants* the current 
> setup. If the port no longer builds because the referenced commit is more 
> than 1,000 commits in the past, then the port is ripe for a bump. Increasing 
> the depth or using a date-based strategy will just balloon the amount of data 
> fetched.

To be clear, the problem here was that MacPorts uses the xcode-provided
git, and certain older systems have a version of git that's too old to
support the --shallow-since option, causing the port to break on
systems where it's buildable today.

Now, those systems are pretty old at this point (IIRC, it was El
Capitan and older) so perhaps that is worth reconsidering. We could
also install and use our own version of git on older systems as we do
for some other fetch/extract dependencies, but that would require a
base update.


Dan R. K. Ports                                      https://drkp.net/

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