On Fri, 16 Apr 2021, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
"hydrogen" is not distributable because its license "GPL-2" conflicts
with license "OpenSSLException" of dependency "qt5-qtbase"
Does this make sense or is there an error in the script? Why would GPL-2
or anything conflict with OpenSSLException? It's just an exception. It
lifts some restrictions imposed by the GPL. It shouldn't be imposing
additional restrictions itself, should it?
For that matter, IMO this whole business of the OpenSSL license
conflicting with the GPL is a bunch of nonsense (at least in the typical
MacPorts scenario). Since when does *dynamically* linking against an
*unbundled* shared library constitute "redistribution" of said library?
And if anyone tries to claim that merely including the bits necessary to
link against the library is "redistribution", the recent SCOTUS ruling in
Oracle v. Google should put that to rest.
Fred Wright