The approach of other Python package managers (conda, pip) is to simply use 
whatever the installed version is and presume that the package will build and 
work. If it doesn’t, post an issue.

Currently, keeping MacPorts Python ports up-to-date requires hand editing every 
single Portfile, committing the edit, creating a PR, reviewing the PR, and 
merging the PR, all multiplied by the 1,945 ports (!) that use PortGroup python.

A far more reasonable and efficient approach would be to modify python-1.0.tcl 
to define the subport py${python.default_version}-${name} (in addition to the 
subports created by python.versions).

Increment the default Python version, and you increment all our Python ports 
with no extra work. Don’t want this? Add a flag to prevent it. Want to keep the 
previous version around too? That can also be added automatically, and 
controlled with a flag.

Any issues with specific packages will be treated like they’re already treated 
by conda or pip.

This is also akin to the approach that Mojca describes for perl ports, except 
that it’s handled mostly automatically.

This would greatly simply Python version migration in MacPorts.

> On Mar 2, 2021, at 06:40, Mojca Miklavec <> wrote:
> We sometimes do batches of all the 1000+ perl ports as that's
> infeasible to do manually (nobody will test 1000+ ports if they build
> and work correctly on his computer).
> (I would usually check the buildbot results and open tickets for those
> that fail.)

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