> On May 23, 2020, at 12:39 AM, Ryan Schmidt <ryandes...@macports.org> wrote:
> On May 22, 2020, at 09:52, Craig Treleaven wrote:
>> I’m working on a new port and was using the fsdb port as a model.  Oddly, 
>> when a non-default variant is selected, it seems the perl portgroup still 
>> adds a dependency on the default perl version.  In the case of fsdb, the 
>> default variant is +perl5_28:
>> $ port info --variants --depends_lib fsdb +perl5_30
>> variants: perl5_26, perl5_28, perl5_30
>> depends_lib: perl5.30, perl5.28, gzip, p5.30-html-parser, p5.30-io-compress, 
>> p5.30-io-compress-lzma, p5.30-test-pod, p5.30-test-pod-coverage, 
>> p5.30-test-simple, p5.30-text-csv_xs, p5.30-xml-simple, p5.30-yaml-libyaml
>> Note that the first two library dependencies are "perl5.30, perl5.28,”.  Not 
>> a huge problem for most users but it could lead to a redundant port 
>> installation and/or confusion.
>> I can’t follow the code in the port group well enough to say why this is 
>> happening.  It isn’t deliberate, is it?
> The perl5 portgroup is intended to be used in one of three ways:
> 1. to make a perl module whose name is "p5-something". The portgroup will 
> create subports like p5.28-something and p5.30-something each of which will 
> depend on the correct perl5.xx.
> 2. to make a port whose name is "something" that happens to be distributed as 
> a perl module but which is not used as a perl module as a dependency by any 
> other port, for example a port for program that the user might wish to run 
> when the program happened to have been written in perl. If the user might 
> care which perl version is used then the port can offer variants which the 
> portgroup will create.
> 3. to add perl variants to any port. The portgroup will create variants which 
> will depend on the correct perl5.xx.
> fsdb seems to be in category 2 and I can see only 7 total ports in this 
> category. I agree, in this use case the portgroup erroneously adds another 
> perl dependency. Some of the ports in this category "avoid" the problem by 
> overwriting the dependencies that the portgroup had set, which is probably 
> not a solution we should advocate. This should probably be fixed in the 
> portgroup (or just file a ticket for now).
Thank you again, Ryan, for a concise but detailed explanation.  I take it this 
summary of the 3 uses of the perl5 portgroup isn’t documented anywhere?

Re category 2, I guess there are now 8 ports using the portgroup this way since 
I committed xmltv yesterday.  xmltv is a suite of nearly 50 programs for 
downloading and manipulating television listings data.  These programs just 
happen to be perl scripts.  As I was working on the port, it was initially 
producing subports like p5-28-xmltv and p5.30-xmltv PLUS variants to each port 
(+perl5_28 or +perl5_30).  Sort of a hybrid of categories 1 and 2.  The “fix” 
was to move the github.setup line _before_ the perl5.setup line in the port 
file.  I think this worked because the github.setup line defines the Name 
variable.  This behaviour seems pretty obscure to me but maybe it would be 
obvious if I could read the portgroup code better.

I can take a stab at writing a section for the guide if someone more conversant 
will review and edit.  Or is there work in progress somewhere?


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