Hi again, everyone ! I just wanted to ask a couple of quick questions before I hand in my draft proposal.
1. Under the ‘Additional Questions’ in the GSoC Application Template on the wiki, there’s a question asking : Link to any Past Open Source contributions (optional) I was wondering if this referred to contributions made to any open source organisation or to MacPorts only? 2. In preparing the week-by-week basis planned schedule for the project, I was facing some difficulty to fill in upto 11 weeks. So I wanted to know : a) What happens if the work is completed early? What will then happen in the remaining evaluation(s). b) Does anyone have any design changes in their minds that they’ve been waiting to see or perhaps have seen been implemented elsewhere and would love to see the same in the MacPorts Command Line interface? All kinds of requests are welcomed. I would love to implement as many as possible. It would help me in finishing up my proposal as well ! Hope to hear from you soon, Vibhansh.